Radiation Safety

The Radiation Safety Program serves a dual role within the University. First, to help minimize occupationally related exposures to radiation, and second, to ensure that all radioactive materials used are following the rules and regulations of Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and that machine-produced radiation use is consistent with regulations of the Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) and FDA.

For more information about the Radiation Safety Program, please review the Emory University Radiation Safety Manual listed below.

Program Dashboard

Dosimetry forms 

Unreturned Badge Report


Electronic management system for radioactive material (RAM). Logon using your Emory NETID and password. If you need assistance, please contact us at chemwaste@emory.edu.


  • CT Quality Control
  • Radiation Shielding Plans
  • Radioactive Materials Licensing and Authorizations
  • Radiopharmaceutical Patient Safety Support
  • Registration Support for Radiation Producing Equipment
  • Renewals and Protocol Submission Support




Any person requesting to have unescorted access privileges to an irradiator must contact Radiation Safety for further instructions (please see the EHSO Staff Contacts page linked below). Trustworthiness and reliability (T&R) must be verified before unescorted access privileges will be granted. The Emory T&R Official or designee will provide all forms and advise applicants via email of next steps.

Users approved for unescorted access may escort other users by completing the Escorted Irradiator Access Documentation Form and returning it to EHSO in accordance with the instructions on the form. The form is available upon request from the Emory T&R Official.

Employees in the Emory community who work with radiation have the option of notifying and are encouraged to notify the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) of suspected or confirmed pregnancies as soon as possible, so that the RSO can work with the employee and her supervisor to monitor the radiation exposure levels during the pregnancy and take measures, as appropriate, to maintain exposures as low as reasonably achievable and within regulatory limits.

All radiation workers will be informed of applicable state and federal regulations regarding occupational exposure to the fetus from ionizing radiation during their initial radiation safety training. As soon as a radiation worker determines that she is pregnant, she should (unless privacy is desired) advise her supervisor and declare her pregnancy in writing using the Voluntary Pregnancy Declaration form. Once the form is submitted, a professional from Radiation Safety will review the past radiation exposure history of the declared pregnant radiation worker and her job function and determine if radiation restrictions should be applied. If so, these restrictions will be discussed with the individual and her supervisor and will be provided to both in writing.

A copy of the document "Guide for Instruction Concerning Prenatal Radiation Exposure" will be given to the declared pregnant radiation worker once they complete the Voluntary Pregnancy Declaration form.  Once the form is submitted, a member of the Radiation Safety group will schedule a consultation with the employee and document it on the employee’s Voluntary Pregnancy Declaration form. Radiation Safety will then issue a monthly fetal badge for the declared pregnant radiation worker to wear at the waist in addition to her regular badge(s).

A radiation worker may, without declaring pregnancy, consult with Radiation Safety concerning issues relating to exposure of an embryo/fetus to radiation in the course of the employee’s job.


Radiation Safety Committees

Emory University Management is directly involved with the Radiation Safety Program. Management provides sufficient authority and organizational freedom to the Radiation Safety Officer and the Radiation Control Council to identify radiation safety problems, to initiate recommendations or provide solutions, and to verify implementation of corrective actions. Emory University Management at the level of Vice-President is represented on the Radiation Control Council. Members of the Radiation Control Council, Committee 1 (human-use), Committee 2 (non-human use), the Radioactive Drug Research Committee (RDRC), and all the other various Radiation Safety Committees are appointed by Emory University administration.

Committee Overview

The Radiation Control Council (RCC) is the governing body for all aspects of radiation use and protection within Emory University, including all affiliated research, clinical, instructional, and service units using ionizing and non-ionizing radiation sources or devices in facilities owned or controlled by the University. All Radiation Safety Committees at Emory are represented on the RCC, along with knowledgeable faculty and senior administrative officers of the University.


Committee Overview

Radiation Safety Committee I reviews the human use of radioactive material at Emory. Specific information about the membership and meetings of the Radiation Safety Committee I can be found in Radiation Safety Committees document linked below.

The duties and responsibilities of the Radiation Safety Committee I include:

  • Approving persons applying to function as Authorized Users, Authorized Medical Physicists, or Nuclear Medicine Technologists; 
  • Reviewing and approving the procedures, types and quantities of radioactive materials requested for human research or clinical use;
  • Consider problems brought before it by the Radiation Safety Officer, medical staff members or technical staff and give a prompt ruling in each case.


Committee Overview

The Radioactive Drug Research Committee (RDRC) is a subcommittee of the Emory University Radiation Safety Committee for Human Use (RSC I). The RDRC reviews certain research protocols involving radioactive compounds as required by FDA regulations (21 CFR 361.1). RSC I reviews all other human research protocols involving administration of radioactive materials or radiation from radioactive material to subjects solely as a result of participation in a research study. Specific information about the membership and meetings of the RDRC subcommittee can be found in Radiation Safety Committees document or on the EHSO Calendar, both linked below.


Committee Overview

Radiation Safety Committee II reviews applications and amendments for the non-human research use of radioactive material and machine-produced radiation with respect to user qualifications, types and quantities of materials requested, and uses of materials requested. Specific information about the membership and meetings of the Radiation Safety Committee II can be found in Radiation Safety Committees document linked below.

The duties and responsibilities of the Radiation Safety Committee II include:

  • Review on the basis of safety and approve or disapprove each proposed method of non-human use of radioactive material.
  • Consider problems brought before it by the Radiation Safety Officer or other interested parties and give a prompt ruling in each case.
