Report a Hazardous Spill

Hazardous Spill

Call EHSO Spill Team to report a Hazardous Spill:

Phone number:404-727-2888

Chemical, Biological, Radiation Spills

  • In the event of a spill with serious injuries, contact 911 immediately.
  • Immediate Care:
    • Eye Exposure: Hold eyelids open and flush at eyewash for 15 minutes.
    • Hand or Arm Exposure: Wash for 15 minutes with soap and lukewarm water rubbing at site of exposure.
    • Full Body Exposure: Remove contaminated clothing. Activate shower once.
  • Seek medical care if needed. Always seek medical care after using eyewash or safety shower. 
  • Provide Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to healthcare providers if possible.
  • If there are no injuries or exposures have been managed:
    • Limit access to the area.
    • Place contaminated/damaged items in secondary containment.
    • Contain the spill or protect the drain, if possible.
    • Do not attempt cleanup unless specifically trained to do so and have appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
    • Inform your supervisor and notify EHSO immediately at 404-727-2888.
  • Report incident and injuries as soon as reasonably possible to your supervisor and Employee or Student Health Services.