How to Add Personnel in SciShield

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your Emory ID and password
  3. Click View Lab Profile on the left-hand menu (alternately, you can click Manage Members)
  4. Click the Members tab at the top of the screen
    • In the Name field, type the first and last name of the individual
      • A blue wheel will appear to the right, this is an indication that the Emory Directory is being searched
      • Select the name of the individual from the drop-down menu that appears after the directory search is complete
      • Check job Activities for handling Biological, Animals, Chemical, Radiological, and General
    • Selecting the individual's job activities will trigger the training requirements 
      • Click Lookup/Add 

Other things to consider:

  • If an individual is working with human source materials, including cell lines, view immunization requirements and instructions here
  • If you need to update the personnel on a biological registration, click here and scroll to the section titled Biological Registrations for instructions. 
  • If you need to update personnel on a Chemicals in Animals form, click here and scroll to the section titled Chemicals in Animals to view instructions. 
  • Click on the Dashboard tab and scroll down to Training Summary to view training compliance for the lab.
  • To remove members or edit job activities, select Edit or Remove on the right-hand side of the member list.