Citrobacter rodentium stx2dat+

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C. rodentium is a gram-negative, non-motile rod bacteria, aerobic

Growth Conditions

ATCC® Medium 2851: LB Agar/Broth Medium w/ 25 mcg/ml KAN & 10 mcg/ml CHL

Genetic Background

C. rodentium stx: C. rodentium strain that is lysogenized with a λ Stx phage, produces mucusactivatable Stx2dact at levels comparable to Shiga Toxin-producing E. coli. This mutant is used as an in vivo model to study the effects of Enterohemorrhagic E. coli

Health Hazards

Host Range


Modes of Transmission

Fecal-oral route, Suckling and recently weaned pups are more susceptible than adults

Signs and Symptoms

This disease is usually transient in mice, lasting only about 4 weeks. Mortality is variable. Adults show no clinical signs of illness

Infectious DoseUnknown.
Incubation Period

This disease is usually transient in mice, lasting only about 4 weeks

Medical Precautions/Treatment


Amosicillin and a beta-lactamase inhibitor




Administer appropriate drug therapy


PCR on feces

Emory Requirements

Report all incidents.

Laboratory Hazards

Laboratory Acquired Infections (LAIs)

None reported to date.


Potential ingestion and accidental parenteral inoculation.

Supplemental References

Canadian MSDS

Pathogen Safety Data Sheets

Diseases of Research Animal- U. Missouri


Containment Requirements


Containment Level 2 facilities, equipment, and operational practices for work involving infectious or potentially infectious materials, animals, or cultures.

Spill Procedures


Notify others working in the lab. Allow aerosols to settle. Don appropriate PPE. Cover area of the spill with paper towels and apply an EPA registered disinfectant effective against non- enveloped viruses, working from the perimeter towards the center. Allow 30 minutes of contact time before disposal and cleanup of spill materials.


Contact Emory’s Biosafety Officer (404-727-8863),
the EHSO Office (404-727-5922), or
The Spill Response Team (404-727-2888).

Exposure Procedures

Mucous membrane

Flush eyes, mouth or nose for 15 minutes at eyewash station.

Other Exposures

Wash area with soap and water for 15 minutes.


Immediately report incident to supervisor, complete an employee incident report in PeopleSoft.

Medical Followup 

7am-4pm (OIM): EUH (404-686-7941) EUHM (404-686-7106) WW (404-728-6431)

After Hours: OIM NP On Call 404-686-5500 PIC# 50464

Needle Stick (OIM): EUH (404-686-8587) EUHM (404-686-2352)

Yerkes: Maureen Thompson Office (404-727-8012) Cell (404-275-0963)



Phenolic disinfectants, 1% sodium hypochlorite, 70% ethanol, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, iodophore and paracetic acid are effective against Citrobacter. Chlorhexidine detergent scrub, hexachlorophene or iodophor preparations may also be effective.


90% of the Citrobacter organisms may be killed after 15 minutes at 230 MPa. Citrobacter are also inactivated by UV, microwave, gamma radiation, moist heat (121°C for at least 20 min) and dry heat (165-170°C for 2 h)

Survival Outside Host

Soil and water

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Minimum PPE Requirements

At minimum, personnel are required to don gloves, closed toed shoes, lab coat, and appropriate face and eye protection prior to working with Citrobacter rodentium. Additional PPE may be required depending on lab specific SOPs.

Additional Precautions

All procedures that may produce aerosols, or involve high concentrations or large volumes should be conducted in a biological safety cabinet (BSC). The use of needles, syringes, and other sharp objects should be strictly limited. Additional precautions should be considered with work involving animals or large scale activities.